Finoak Blog

Kayaking with drybag in the sea

Kayaking with drybags
The sea is a powerful place. The waves breaking on the shore had travelled thousands of miles. The tide flowing into the loch was pushed and pulled metres a day up and down by the moon. To feel these movements under the hull of a kayak with the familiar land seemingly out of reach would give any human a sense of proportion and a feeling for the power of nature. Learning the basic stokes to keep your boat upright, drive it forward and turn provide an example of the real sense of our relationship with the environment, a partnership that with skill and knowledge we can enjoy but never control.

I'm going to post pictures of my kayaking experiences in this blog. Here is my first experience on Bournemouth's coastline.

Before the start
Before the start

There was the major concern how to protect things like iPhone, camera, my towel and other personal belongings from water? I have found online company which sells DryBag brand.

Everything is ready to go to sea
Everything is ready to go to sea

So I bought two DryBags from them: rucksack for my towel and personal stuff and a bag for iPhone and camera.

...and safely packed!
...and safely packed!
Waist bag saved my iPhone 5S and Canon 7D :)
Waist bag saved my iPhone 5S and Canon 7D :)

Despite all precautions, my kayak capsized and both bags were under water for a while. Luckily for me all my belongings including brand new iPhone 5 and Canon 7D were absolutely dry. Not a single drop inside my bags.

and where the shore? :)
And where the shore?:)

That was a great first experience!

Finish my little journey
Finish my little journey