Artificial Orange Roses Bouquet

Artificial Orange Roses Bouquet
  • Artificial Orange Roses Bouquet Artificial Orange Roses Bouquet
  • Artificial Orange Roses Bouquet Artificial Orange Roses Bouquet
  • Artificial Orange Roses Bouquet Artificial Orange Roses Bouquet
£0.00+ £2.85 UK Delivery only 0 available!
Our lifelike roses in a beautifully decorated bouquet offer all the vibrancy and natural beauty of real flowers without any of the drawbacks, perfect for bringing a home or work space to life. Such floral arrangement will undoubtedly become an exquisite decoration for your home or for any occasion: wedding, birthday party, etc.

These Roses are made from the highest quality materials and are a nice clutter-free solution for any housewife as they require no maintenance whatsoever, no dead leaves, no spilt soil and no water leaks. There is no need to worry about the effects of disease and pest control meaning the flower can be kept in any conditions and will last a lifetime. Simply place in a vase and enjoy.

- high quality materials (PQFL);
- great natural style and realistic look;
- tender and exquisite orange roses design;
- height - 12cm (4.7'');
- can be used indoors or out.
  • 8 x 10.5 x 8 cm
  • 3.15 x 4.14 x 3.15"
  • 0.114 kg
  • 0.3 lbs

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