For Parents and Kids

Finger Painting

Finger Painting

It is known that tactile sense (i.e. touch) directly affect the development of the human nervous system, particularly the brain. Drawing is a huge experience in colour perception, fine tactile sense and a true pleasure. Than what can be better than a sensory art for kids' development and learning?

    Facts about Finger-painting:

  • All senses are involved: touching, seeing, smelling, hearing, and (in case you use edible paint) tasting!
  • Improves fine motor skills and strengthens the finger and hand muscles.
  • If you the child paints sitting on the paper on the floor, the process improves balance and large muscle control.
  • Develops hand-eye coordination
  • stimulates creativity and imagination.
  • Finger painting is therapeutic since children are able to express their feelings visually without words.
  • Helps with language development, learning words to describe things and socialisation with peers and adults.

You can start finger-painting when the baby is already 5 months (it's useless to give a brush to a toddler younger than 3 years old). For the first time you can give one can of paint - for example, yellow. Next time you can introduce other colours. Later (after a few days or months) show the kid how to draw with fingers, palm, or how to mix colors.

Let your baby paint not specific items, they are too young for this, but they will transfer their feelings to the paper.